It only takes a moment. The Editor and Janet (one of Mom’s helpers) were busy talking when the Editor turned on the water to the bathroom sink. A few minutes later I walked by and saw the water overflowing the sink countertop onto the floor and it was about to breech the marble sill and flow onto the wooden floors. And thus the potential disaster caused by “the great flood” on the Broward was averted. Whew! A trip to Lowes for some drain cleaner and plunger and we were as good as new. And the bathroom floor was really clean now. That afternoon we met Don and Becky (some ole Navy friends) whom we had not seen in a while for lunch in beautiful historic St Augustine. Before we did though, I stopped by the Alligator Farm to see the Bird Rookery for about an hour.
The Alligator Farm and Zoo in St Augustine hosts a very successful bird rookery. Great Egrets, Wood Storks, Roseate Spoonbills, Snowy Egrets, and Tricolored Herons nests filled nearly every tree limb. Although the sun was a bit high by the time we arrived I managed to capture a few keepers. These birds were busy doing what they did after the great flood of Noah...repopulating the world with a new generation. That evening I noticed a pair of Black Skimmers on the Broward feeding in the channel at low tide, using their signature beak down “Skimmer” technique for capturing minnows. Got one too! I had been expecting them. If only I could get them to reverse course and fly into the sun instead of out of the sun. I’ve learned I can’t “control” everything so hope you enjoy them anyway.
First my “Job-like” health trials, then the nearly disastrous flood...Is God trying to tell me something? Indeed He is. He is ever faithful and through it all life goes on according to His plan, not mine. I just gotta learn to keep my beak down like the Skimmers and good things will eventually happen. Blessings..Harry
Great Egret returning to the nests calls to its mate..
Honey, I'm home...did ya miss me?
He forgot the food! Can you believe it? No fish today...
Wood Stork brings home some extra nesting material..
The air traffic is heavy...full flaps landing, gear down..
Roseate Spoonbill in breeding plumage..
Spoonbill in flight...gotta get some food for the young ones..
Black Skimmers make a short visit to the Broward..
Got to remember to keep that beak in the water...
Got one!. Yum Yum...(click to view in full screen)
Have you rendered unto Caesar all that is due yet? Time is running out. Unlike the box turtle, I can’t just pull my head in my shell and wait for the tax-man to go away. It was a painful week doing my taxes but they are finally done. Now it is dock time. Time to render unto God. It has been a cold and cloudy week for the most part so I didn’t get out much. It was Saturday before I finished and filed my taxes. Sunday was the most beautiful spring day so far this year. The wind was light and refreshing, the skies were blue and the birds were everywhere. What a day!
The Great Egret is still the most beautiful bird I have ever seen on the Broward. Their snow-white broad majestic wings allow them to glide like angels over the marsh grass. Brown Pelicans can still be seen at low tide scooping up fish in the shallow outgoing stream. “George” the Yellow Crowned Night Heron is back in his familiar places hunting for crabs. His bright yellow crown and long white breeding plume make him quite a handsome fellow. He swoops by me with one red eye on me, and one on his destination. The Purple Martins have returned and are busy preparing another generation. Above me a large female Bald Eagle is escorted across the sky by a pestering crow. The eagle’s young are fully fledged and in another month they will begin their journey north.
I think I enjoy the rendering to God more than the rendering to Caesar. How about you? One is a pleasure and easy, the other painful and more difficult each year. Can’t wait for ole Bernie to get elected and have all those rich folks pay for everything and give me free stuff. Then I won’t need to pay taxes....Right! Blessings. Harry
Has the tax man left yet said the box turtle?
The Great Egret is one of the most beautiful birds on the Broward..
It's broad white wings are like those of an Angel..
The Brown Pelicans are still on the Broward..
Handsome George, the Yellow Crowned Night Heron is back looking for crabs..
George keeps an eye on me as he glides by..
I hear the familiar honk of the Canada Geese as they fly by..
A pesky crow escorts the Bald Eagle across the Broward..
This Eagle has successfully raised and fledged a new generation..soon they will be heading North again..
Mrs Martin is busy raising some new tax deductions....
I think I will just sit here though now and reflect and render unto God...Blessings..
It is finished! The day has finally come! The dock project is done! For months my neighbor Doug has been doing a major dock remodeling. All the old wooden decking timbers were pulled up and replaced with new synthetic deck boards. These new boards don’t need paint or preservation and will last forever. The birds of the Broward decide to have a dedication ceremony to celebrate the new dock. Some unexpected guest arrived. Things got out of hand a bit (kind of like some of our recent political gatherings).
The first to arrive is a Tricolored Heron decked in patriotic reddish-brown, white and blue feathers. Then the three lovely Snowy Lennon Sisters (Mimi, Janet, and Kathy) arrive from their latest gig in Branson Missouri to sing a rendition of Moon River (over the Broward). We even had a fly over by a USAF F-15 Eagle. Ole Blue Eyes, the Blue Bird of Happiness was there too! Then out of nowhere they drop in! A flock of juvenile Ibis land and chase all the other birds away. They then proceeded to do their own dedication on the dock. It was more like a “defecation ceremony”. Nearly every square inch of the new decking was soon covered in white blotches of Ibis bird “doo doo”. That night it rained and washed the spoil away.
I am sure we have all had similar projects and endeavors. We are so proud of the results and happy to see the task completed only to have something similar happen. That is just life (“stuff” happens as they say). Thank God for the rain. Personally I can’t wait to walk down Doug’s new refurbished dock and sit and enjoy seeing those birds, sip my coffee, count my blessings, and share more time with you. Till then, just watch where you step. Blessings..Harry.
Doug's dock renovation is done and the Birds of the Broward fly in for a dedication. First to arrive is the Tricolored Heron.
The old wooden boards have been replaced by new synthetic wooden decking..
The Snowy Lennon Sisters fly in from Branson to sing Moon River (over the Broward).
The Black Crowned Night Herons do a flyover!
The Great Egret can't wait to see the new dock project..
I hear those new decking boards are really neat...
The Wood Stork does a fly over...Wow..nice looking dock..
Ole Blue Eyes the Blue Bird of Happiness arrives..
Some Juvenile White Ibis also fly in....they begin to whisper...wonder what they are saying?
A USAF F-15 Eagle does a high flyover..
Suddenly the young Ibis fly on to the dock and chase the other birds away..
Then they begin to do what birds do......Doo Doo that is!
Soon nearly every square inch is covered with bird doo....
The Osprey does a flyover and decides to add his two cents worth also..bombs away...
That night the rains came and washed the bird doo away...and the night lights came on..Well Done Doug!
Sunset on the Broward and Doug's Dock Dedication..