The flash...
They say history often repeats itself. I have been observing the local Broward River marsh birds closely for almost five years now. A review of prior blogs helps me determine which birds will be around to photograph. Recently I have been expecting to capture “the flash”. I was not disappointed.
The quiet morning began with a cup of coffee on the dock. The sun was still low and casting shafts of light over the tidal stream below my feet. A loud squawk announced the arrival of the local Tricolored Heron on the dock. The outgoing tide channels pools of minnows and the heron had arrived to begin its morning hunt for the hapless fish. My presence seldom deters a bird on the hunt and this morning was no exception. The heron just ignored me and danced in and out of the morning dock shadows only a few feet from my position. Sometimes it was too close to photograph, as this large lens requires a minimum distance of about 10 feet to focus. I was lying low on the dock trying to capture some birds-eye level photos of the feeding heron when out of the corner of my eye I saw a flash of pink light reflected on the water. I froze for a second while shifting my gaze around not wanting to spook the new arrival. To my left and very close was a beautiful pink Roseate Spoonbill that had flown in to feed in the outgoing tidal bounty. Changing exposure settings on this lens takes some skill when you are lying on your back holding a camera upside down at near water level. However, I managed to capture a few good frames before “the spoonie” wandered up the river and out of prime photo range.
What expectations have you had lately? If you listen to the news, the outlook may seem grim for this country. I surely hope history does not repeat itself and find us in another civil war based on hate. Only a flash of light coming from the east will save us then. And we won’t be disappointed to see it either. Blessings.
Double trouble,,,Tricolored Heron begins its morning hunt in the outgoing tidal stream
Blue shadows..the early morning light challenged me with contact exposure changes
The Tricolored Heron danced in and out of the shadows on its morning hunt..
While taking this photo I saw a "flash" of pink light reflection to my left..
The pink flash was this beautiful Roseate Spoonbill that had just landed to begin feeding..
Not too bad a capture for a guy laying on his back hanging over the dock with the camera upside down