Bent but not broken..
About a dozen or so years ago we planted a small Bald Cypress tree near the river bank. It was just a small sprout when it started but now reaches up higher than the roof of the house. We called it “The General” because it stood so tall and straight and had a commanding view of the Broward. Each year another foot or so of new growth would sprout at the top. Bald Cypress are deciduous in that they annually lose their leaves but not before they turn golden red at the herald of fall. The General is starting to turn that golden fall hue. But now he is not so straight anymore. The top five or six feet now have a permanent bend due to Irma’s winds.
The recent hurricanes in Texas, Florida and the Caribbean have wrought a path of destruction unlike any in recent history. Most in Puerto Rico were not alive when a Category 4 storm last struck a direct hit in 1932. As we see what damage is done from the comfort of our air-conditioned homes we can only hope and pray that the entire world will come to the aid of these devastated areas and restore hope, provision, and power and help them rebuild. However, I don’t see the United Nations jumping to their aide. Not a peep heard in the news any more. Where is "World Relief" Organization? Perhaps they are too busy going on shopping sprees in New York. Why is this?
“The General” is bent but not broken. I wonder if we can say the same for the rest of the world right now? More natural calamities of unnatural proportions are indeed coming. There is only one true power though that can keep it all from breaking. Y’all pray now. It is time. Blessing. Harry
Bent but not broken..."The General" still stands guard on the Broward
Thousands of crows (with Jersey accents) have arrived..
Litlle Boy Blue the Little Blue Heron is blowing his horn..
SUMMER has flown...
AUTUMN is here...