Don’t get cute with me. Hey Cutie. I’m cute and I know it. Isn’t that cute! Words can have many meanings, but a picture is worth a thousand words. Yet sometimes words can truly “paint a picture”. I have a dear friend and mentor who writes of his walks in the cold winter woods of Wisconsin. I often feel like I have to take off my coat and boots to dry them off and warm up when I am done reading about his most recent walk.. And I don’t even wear boots! I just hope a few of today’s photos capture the cute theme for you today.
One of the Editor’s favorite birds is the Sandhill Crane. I recently learned some had hatched down south at one of my favorite birding sites. I got the Editor up about 3 AM and by by 0430 we were on the road south. Arriving at the wetlands just before sunrise, I had hoped to get some silhouette shots of the nesting Great Blue Herons. The morning sun was golden. Only one lone Great Blue adult was on the nest. The mate was elsewhere looking for breakfast for the two recently hatched little Great Blues. As the sun began to climb other photographers arrived and told me where to find the colts (newly hatched Sandhill Cranes are called colts). The Editor was sitting in the car while I grabbed the Doohickey and joined the others. The cranes were feeding along a pond embankment and decided to cross the road to another feeding pool. They headed right for the Editor and she could not help but get out of the car to see them up close. Are they cute or what? Not wanting to disturb them further, I got some quick photos and then searched for other birds and creatures about.
Around a bend in the road by one of the ponds we noticed some more photographers taking photos. A Snapping Turtle was slowly sauntering across the worn drive. Believe me it wasn’t very cute, but I got a good photo anyway. On our way home, we stopped at Merritt Island National Wildlife Preserve. There we were greeted by a pod of White Pelicans and a few Roseate Spoonbills that made the Editors day.
I think we took cute to a whole new level don’t you? No, I am not trying to be cute but sometimes I just can’t help myself. Blessings.
Sunrise Silhouette
Morning vigil. Great Blue Heron standing over the nest guarding the two Little Great Blue chicks.
Osprey awaits the dawn..
Double Crested Cormorant
Sandhill Cranes are one of the Editor’s favorite birds..
Adult Sandhill Crane profile
A pair of Sandhill colts try to keep up with the parents crossing the road
Mom keeps a wary eye on Junior…isn’t that cute!
Am I cute or what?
I am kinda cute too don’t ya think?
Don’t get cute with me Mr. Doohickey! I will eat you!
A Pod of White Pelicans cruising by
We are cute too when we fly…or am I being too cute?
You just crack me up Mr Doohickey….you’re cute too!
The Ides of March have passed. Poor Julius Caesar (our President too was betrayed by his own Senate). Hope you enjoyed your St. Patrick’s Day. Winter officially comes to an end this week. Spring will be here regardless of the weather. It has only reached up into the paltry 80s this week locally. But then again the recent “bomb cyclone” effects did not make its way this far south with the threats of tornados along its path. Hope you all stayed safe and sound.
The Eastern Bluebird family in the backyard birdhouse will soon be hatching. In the meantime, I continue to monitor them closely. When they start bringing in bugs you know the chicks have hatched. I tried to put a feeder close to the nest, but the marauding Cowbirds got to it, so I moved it so as not to disturb the nesting Bluebirds. A surprise visitor, a migrating Cedar Waxwing stopped by too. Have only captured them once before a few years ago. Finches and warblers of various types are also migrating through. The golden yellow wings of a male Goldfinch caught my eye recently, so I just had to grab the Doohickey and try for a shot. Hope you enjoy it. A few Brown Pelicans are still in the area as is our young George Jr, the juvenile Yellow-crowned Night Heron. Still waiting for the rest of the family to show up.
Unlike Saint Patrick, I doubt that I will be venerated any time soon. Were it to happen everyone would then have to start drinking a fine aged single malt scotch instead of green beer. I guess I will just settle for sanctified instead. Blessings.
Momma Eastern Blue is sitting on eggs still…
Daddy Bluebird is keeping a close watch over the nest..
Marauding Cowbirds are stealing all the feeder food..they should be called Sowbirds,,they eat like pigs
A migrating Cedar Waxwing stopped by for a snack too!
While trying to capture a warbler shot I noticed a bunch of Brown Anole’s on the ground by the tree roots.
The lizards were munching on a bunch of winged termites emerging from the ground. Who needs pest control when you have a bunch of hungry anoles.
This handsome male Goldfinch poses for a photo op..
An Anhinga female drying its wings after morning fishing..
Brown Pelican soars by…
Daddy Bluebird wings by too!
Male House Finch at the feeder
Et Tu Cowbird….let’s go have a green beer instead, winter is over soon!
What? You were expecting a Leprechaun? Happy St Patrick’s Day
March winds are blowing. How did the month of March enter into your life? Like a Lion or a Lamb? Some of my friends reported temperatures well below zero with lots of snow. The Editor and I experienced some non-Florida like weather while visiting Boone, North Carolina and saw blowing snow and freezing temperatures in the low teens. It was a chilling experience yet exhilarating at the same time. Today on the Broward was much more lamb-like with temperatures reaching in the 70s. Lush green marsh grass is sprouting.
The Bluebirds sure think spring is near. They have their first clutch of eggs already. They dive bombed me when I walked too close to the nesting box. The Brown Pelicans are still soaring on the river but will be leaving soon I am sure. Cardinals, house finches, sparrows, and goldfinches have been frequent visitors on the feeders. I even captured a few Robins heading north, another sure sign of spring. Whirligig-like maple seedlings recently covered the driveway. Even the trees know spring is nigh. The ground nesting bees have also arrived, so the east side of the house is off limits for a few weeks while they do what birds and bees do this time of year. Fortunately, the male ground nesting bees have no stingers on them. A wary looking grey squirrel invaded the Pileated Woodpecker nesting cavity, so the woodpeckers are looking elsewhere to settle down it seems. George Jr, the juvenile Yellow-crowned Night Heron has still been hanging around but let me know in no uncertain expressions he did not like being photographed. Very atypical for a millennial now days. I hope to visit some nesting sites nearby soon to get some mating plumage shots of the Great Egrets later this month.
Winds of change are blowing all over the world. In former times a certain man arrived in the world like a lamb and became the sacrifice we soon shall celebrate in the coming Easter season. I read the last chapter in the book about this lamb and it says He is coming back again soon, only this time it will be like a Lion! Be ready!... Blessings
Mr and Mrs Bluebird keeping an eye on the nest. They have a clutch of eggs already..
Robins heading north are a sure sign of spring
Chipping Sparrow on a cool morning
Darn twig ruined my picture of this beautiful Cardinal male
Houston, we have lift off..
Brown Pelican soaring by..
A Grey Squirrel has taken over the Pileated Woodpecker nest
George Jr, the Juvenile Yellow-crowned Night Heron
Bird finger salute
Who said I don’t have a leg to stand on?
Kiss my tail feathers Mr Doohickey..!
Morning reflections….the Lamb is coming back but as a Lion..