It's a family affair..
As I write this blog, one of the most powerful hurricanes in history (Irma) is churning up central Florida. These past few weeks as most of us sat in our comfortable homes and observed the devastation and flooding in Texas and Louisiana from Harvey, I knew the hurricane season was still far from over. While we were looking to see how we could help in Texas, Irma was forming and is she ever one angry powerful storm. This past week’s priorities quickly changed from photography to preparations. It is family first, other things are just temporary.
Speaking of family, one of my favorite Broward bird families is that of “George”, the Yellow-crowned Night Heron. Each spring he shows up walking around my dock looking for crabs and other tasty morsels. There is a tree next door that George has called his summer home for over a decade now. I am not sure this is the original “George” or one of his grandchildren. However, each year this family arrives in the late spring, raises a new generation (usually one), and about mid September, leaves the area for parts unknown until next year’s breeding season. George has not been too cooperative this year posing for photos but I have managed to capture a few. George Jr. sure likes to sleep a lot and has been caught snoozing on more than one occasion, especially in the family photo.
The Word tells us to consider the birds of the air, they neither toil nor work yet our heavenly Father feeds them. If He takes care of them so lovingly I know we will be just fine too. The storm may come and leave us homeless but not without hope. If we have our family, we have what we need. And God will take care of the rest. We are part of His family after all.
George Sr, the patriarch of the Yellow-Crowned Night Heron family poses on a new perch my neighbor set up for me.
I had the new perch set hoping that the Belted Kingfishers would start to use it. They recently returned to the Broward and indeed have discovered the perch. This is Spunky the female as she announces her presence.
The brown belly feathers or "bra" differentiate the female from the male Belted Kingfisher.
Family photo of Georgia and George Jr...note that Jr is sleeping again..
Who said I was sleeping? I see you Mr. Doohickey
Hurricane Irma is coming so we are going to boogie out of here for now...
Not to worry, someone from above has His eye on me just like this ole Osprey