The golden light of morning creeps over the Broward. It’s a new dawn, a new day, and a new year. Time for a cup of coffee, some quit time on the dock, and a pause to reflect on the coming day and give thanks.
As I walk down the dock the Snowy Egrets who were gathering there, take wing and head for the old broken pier next door. Broward Bob, the Little Blue Heron, sits quietly undisturbed on the bank, enjoying the morning light. I capture the moment with a click of the doohickey. His peace is soon disturbed by the cacophony of the Snowy Egrets as they intrude on his solitude. Bob flies over to the channel in front of me to escape the Snowy Egrets. But not for long. Soon they join him again. I am sorry for Bob but happy I am getting some great reflection shot opportunities. A cormorant swims around the channel and comes in my direction before it goes into the lagoon. In a few moments it surfaces with a fish and shortly afterwards another. About this time three Pied Billed Grebes come swimming by, their images perfectly reflected in the water. Suddenly I hear a huge splash and look up to see a juvenile Brown Pelican swimming towards me. It comes so close I can’t even retain focus as it swims by.
So much for my quiet time, but who is complaining? I love getting good reflection shots, they are my signature blog photos when I can get them. That is how we are supposed to be too. When someone looks at us they should see a perfect reflection of our values and the one who created us. What do folks see in your reflection lately? Blessings. Harry
Broward Bob, stands quietly enjoying the morning light..for a moment that is..
Then here comes the Snow..Snowys that is..
So much for peace and solitude..
Broward Bob flies over the the channel in front of me to get some relief and reflect on things..
Here comes the Snow (Snowys) again!
Hey Bob, what ya know? Any minnows over here?
All the Snowy's seem to do is reflect trouble..
A cormorant then swims up the channel towards me..
I heard there was some fish over here! The Snowy's told me ...
Caught one...
And another one!
I hear a splash and look up to see this Brown Pelican Juvenile swimming towards me..its reflection distorted by the waves it creates ahead of its path.
The Pelican swims right up to my feet and I can no longer retain focus, it is too close for the lens..sorta like life, some things need to be kept at the right distance to be in focus..
Three Pied Billed Grebes swim by casting a perfect reflection...can you say the same?