Ever have one of those days?
Ever have one of those days (or weeks) when nothing seems to go right? I had one this past week. The framed artwork I sent to the Texas Gulf Coast art show got damaged in shipping. Even though I bought insurance it will be weeks now before the “investigators” determine who was at “fault” and if they are going to pay or not. I shipped it in a special box made for shipping artwork that the show recommended. The Shipper examined it before he sealed it up with the return shipping label and away it went. The art curator said it was damaged when it was opened. Seems clear to me..will let you know how it goes. However, it seems I am not the only one having a bad day…..poor frog.
Early this morning I spotted a Roseate Spoonbill feeding up the channel. I anticipated it would come around the channel in my direction so I got down on the floating dock and prone to get some good photos. Sure enough it came feeding in my direction, the large spoon shaped bill sweeping back and forth in the shallow muck. Then it paused. I am looking through my lens at a bird with a real perturbed “look” on its face. The spoonbill gets out of the water, striding quickly through the mud to right across from me on the dock and gives me another look. What it did next can best be described from the photograph below. A picture is worth a thousand words. It proceeds back in the direction it came, paused again, gave me another look and then flew off to the right up to the dock. It did this at the same time George the Yellow Crowned Night Heron was trying to land there also. Fowl words were exchanged. Feathers flew! At least George didn’t get the same treatment I did. Someone was in a Foul Fowl mood today I think.
Have you also had trials or temptations this week? Is it just me or is there trouble everywhere? Remember the words to the song, “we should never be discouraged…take it to the Lord in prayer”..(OK, DEAR LORD HAVE THEM PAY MY DAMAGE CLAIM PLEASE)..Amen…be blessed. Harry
Broward River morning Ansel Adams style..
Every have one of those days when nothing seems to go right said the frog!
Early in the morning I spot a Roseate Spoonbill feeding in my direction…I get low and ready..here it comes..
I am peering through my lens at a real perturbed looking pink bird..
The spoonbill gets out of the water and marches right up to me.
It then proceeds to "express itself" some more…get the picture?
Did I make myself clear there Mr Doohickey? In the dawns early golden light and all?
Can I get some breakfast now without being bothered?
Enough of this Government spying and intrusion. I am going to the dock for some peace and quiet..
Houston we have liftoff...
The spoonbill makes its approach to the dock..
So does George, the Yellow Crowned Night Heron…AHHHG Runway is "Fowled"…abort landing
After a near mishap foul Fowl language is exchanged...
And people wonder why I don't fly anywhere. Tortoises and elephants used to fly a lot you know..back in the dinosaur era …just too risky nowadays though with the increased air traffic. I travel in this special box car made just for me..hope the cars don't run over me though..