Things are different here...

     The 1000 mile long blizzard and a 1500 mile swath of arctic air with freezing temperatures have spread numbing cold, ice, and snow across much of the northeast and plains states the past few weeks.  Punxsutawney Phil made his infamous prognostication. Six more weeks of winter is forecast. So spring will be here come rain or shine on the 21st of March. I have news for you folks north of the Interstate 10 corridor. Things are different here below the corridor. The rules of nature do not apply. Down here it is “Orange sky in morning, “Seminoles” take warning”. Orange sky at night, Gator’s delight.

     Meet Broward Bob, the Little Blue Heron and southern weather prognosticator extraordinaire. While Phil was looking for his shadow, Broward Bob was peering into the Broward River looking for his reflection. If he sees it that means a Snowy (Egret) Blizzard is coming soon. If no reflection is seen, then spring is coming early. Like, maybe next week. I observed Broward Bob that fateful February 2nd day. He took his stance on the official spot on the riverbank and casting all aspersions aside, peered into the river. “My Oh My”, exclaimed Broward Bob. “What a handsome Little Blue Heron devil you are staring up at me in my reflection!” No sooner were these words out of his beak when I saw it coming. The Snowy Blizzard came racing up the Broward. Time to crank up the shutter speed before I press the doohickey. Dipping low beneath the marsh grass, the Snowy (Egret) Blizzard came blowing up the channel and banked in front of me. The suns reflection on the Snowy’s white wings were blinding.  However, I kept the blizzard in the crosshairs and pressed the doohickey and managed to capture this historic moment for all my readers to see. After that it was party time! The Snowy Egret was joined by a Tricolored Heron, Old Man River (the Great Blue Heron), a Wood Stork , a Cormorant, and a few Pied Billed Grebes for free Broward refreshments. While the Tricolored heron munched on minnow snacks, the cormorant swallowed a whale of a catch. Then the food ran out with the tide.

     You see, things are just different down here! Soon the March winds will be blowing. Will it come in like a screaming eagle or the gentle breeze of a mourning dove? I will ask Broward Bob to look into things to see what is coming. In the meantime, grab a fresh cup of coffee and keep warm up there north of I-10 cause “things are different down here” according to Broward Bob.  (Bob’s name is easier to spell also). And I am so glad. Be Blessed. Harry

Orange Sky in morning, "Seminoles" take warning…..

Meet Broward Bob, the Little Blue Heron and official weather prognosticator for the Broward (not as well known perhaps as Punxsutawney Phil but easier to spell).

My Oh My what a handsome fellow! I do believe a Snowy (Egret) Blizzard is a coming! 

Sure enough, I look up and see a Snowy (Egret) Blizzard a coming..better up the shutter speed !

The Snowy blizzard wings over and goes by ...

The wings are blinding white as the snowy arrives

There is Snowy everywhere!

The Snowy lands on the rock where Broward Bob gave his fateful forecast. 


I'm baackk like a blizzard…for six more weeks!

Don't be depressed over the Blizzard, Us folks with yellow feet can't get depressed long anyway!

I'll just hang around here till late March or so..

Got any food there Mr Doohickey?

Somebody say food? Where?

Fresh Minnows!

Down the hatch!

Gulp!, this one is a tad bit hard to swallow! Quips the Cormorant.

Who ate all the food said the Wood Stork!

Burrp!, Not me said the Pied Billed Grebe..

If the food is gone, I'm outta here!

Me too, said the Great Blue!

The Tri Colored heron leaves, that makes three!

Will the March winds come in like a Screaming Eagle or gentle breeze like a Mourning Dove? Only Broward Bob knows!…stay tuned..

Orange sky at night, Gator's delight..


All photographs and materials copyrighted and possession of Harry D Selsor. All rights reserved.

Photos are avail for purchase framed or unframed.