Blue and White ..
Cool northerly winds from a recent frontal passage blow over the warmer waters of this Florida river. Wispy smoke like fog rises in the early morning light. Fall is quickly beginning to wane and soon we will see winter like weather in the Sunshine State. Had to call the gas company to do the annual prep of the fireplace for winter. I have to be able to keep the Editor warm on these cold mornings. Do you feel sorry for me yet?
Yes, winters are really tough here in Florida. Today I began to see more signs saying winter is near. The first Brown Pelican of the season landed right next to the Lizard Lounge dock. Most of the birds captured lately are all blue or white. The Editor loves to collect Blue and White pottery and dishes. I love to capture the blue and white birds on the Broward, I.E. the Great and Little Blue Herons and Great and Snowy Egrets. Old Man River, the Great Blue Heron still will not let me get a close photo. The Snowy Egrets have returned in numbers and provide some great early morning opportunities. Mature and juvenile Little Blue Herons provide most of the recent photo opportunities. Hope you enjoy the parade of Blue and White today.
What has become of justice in this once great nation? Criminals go free and believers are threatened with jail for praying and professing their faith. Something is wrong with this picture. While my birds are blue and white, justice should be black and white, not gray. But true justice will prevail someday, of that I am sure. Blessings. Harry
Smoke on the water..
Seeing blowing Snow(y) Egrets on the Broward, a sure sign of winter..
This Little Blue Heron glides over the Broward..
Brrr...Better get that fireplace ready there Mr. Doohickey
Little Blue Heron fly by..
Evening Blues..
Sunset blue
Great Egret in blue and white
Got this cute little Palm Warbler on the fence,,,it isn't blue or white though..
Some cormorants are making their Broward debut also..