In the pink...everything is coming up roses?
When one hears the term “in the pink”, it conjures up images of pink rosy faced baby cheeks, or a feeling of well-being and healthy perhaps. How many of you woke up today feeling “In the pink”? Some of you may not be in the best of health or physical condition due to age or infirmity, but I bet most of you realize feeling “in the pink” has more to do with your attitude or outlook on the day than circumstance.
Meanwhile on the Broward, things are most definitely, “in the pink”. Due to the house and missing flooring issues, I have had few opportunities to get in my dock time this week. However, I did spot three pink Roseate Spoonbills. They have just returned to the area and were way up the creek so to speak. They did however give me a brief fly by which gave me an opportunity to share these few images with you. The Editor also had her white roses bloom. Hope she waters them soon so they feel better too.
This whole episode of the house being torn up and in disarray has been making me weary I must admit. The flooring is still delayed in shipment and may finally arrive today. When things start getting put back together I hope I start feeling a bit more “in the pink”. Now I know why they say “Patience is a virtue”. Blessings. Harry
Good thing it rained recently or this rose would not look so nice
First sighting of Roseate Spoonbills on the Broward, summer is not far behind.
Young Roseate Spoonbill evident by the fact it still has white head feathers
Y'all pray for the Editor to keep the roses watered!