7 January 2013 Reflections
Last Friday things changed. My new lens had malfunctioned and I was very disappointed. Walking past the blinking answering machine I muttered under my breath and ignored it again. The last message I recalled hearing was one of those "Congratulations, You have won a free vacation" calls. Right! There are more important issues to attend to right now, my stupid lens broke!
As I sat down to review my photos, and try to compose my thoughts for reflections I decided instead to open my email and” fire a shot across the bow “ of the lens manufacturer. There in the inbox was an email from the editor of the North Jax Monthly, a local monthly newspaper. During the Christmas Holidays I had sent them a proposal to publish "Reflections on Broward" to try and share what I see in our feathered friends and generate some local interest in photography. I had not heard from them (or so I thought). The editor answered when I called the number and told me they had been trying to contact me on the phone for some time. They thought I was out of town since they had not heard back from me. As I look back I realized that my focus had been on trying the new lens I got for Christmas and starting “Reflections” on the New Year. In doing so I had completely lost my perspective on many of the other things around me. There was a whole new routine each morning I was enjoying. However, I forgot about some other things I should also be doing perhaps (laundry, dinner, bills…, phone calls). I even failed to make it to the gym for Silver Sneakers all week to "sweat with the oldies". The editor told me they loved my idea and they wanted to come over and do an interview and start publishing Reflections! Me a "published" writer and photographer?
What perspective do you have today? My bad luck with the lens is not the end of the world. It can be replaced. Besides I only have about a few hundred million other bad photos I can share until the lens is replaced. And now I can remember to get back to the gym in the morning too! it's all about perspective, sometimes we need a new one. Here are a few from a Tricolored Heron, one of our local year round feathered friends. Be blessed, Harry
He said you need to begin to look at things another way!