3 January 2013 Reflections
Ode to a Clapper Rail. My editor in chief has nixed my more lengthy photo exposes and said to keep it brief. Today's sky was grey and overcast as the prefrontal stratocumulus clouds swept in over the marsh. There was a slight mist in the air and yet a stillness I could not describe. Few birds were chirping save a missive Yellow Backed "Myrtle" warbler in the tree by the back porch. I decided to set up shop there and photograph what I call "Shirley birds" named after my editor in chief.
The warblers were flitting and pecking on some remaining winter berry pods for a bite to eat. A bluebird perched on the fence and gave me the once over and decided to leave. As I looked over the marshes muddy expanse I saw a small "Clapper Rail" venture out from cover on the bank and try to make it to the other side as fast as possible to the marsh grass. These illusive marsh birds rarely venture out in the open and if they do it is only for a quick splash to wash off the mud or grab a bite to eat. There was something foreboding about the way he moving. He was hauling feathers if you know what I mean. About that time a Red Shouldered Hawk swooped down from a live oak and pounced on the hapless fowl. I was too far away and too low to photograph it from my vantage point. I grabbed a stool and fumbled with my tripod to gain height and try to capture this poor creatures plight but by the time I got safely on my perch the hawk had absconded with his "meal" to the trees three houses away from my view.
I pondered what I had seen and said there has to be something good here today. As I walked along the pier I noticed them and they spoke to me. Life is about the footsteps we take and the footprints we leave behind. Sometimes we get bogged down in life's muddy paths. Sometimes we walk beside our friends. Sometimes we cross a path of another fellow walker and share a moment. No matter what footsteps we take, eventually the tide of life will wash them away but we will have left a lasting imprint on someones heart hopefully. Be blessed. Harry
Yellow Backed "Myrtle Warbler
Claper Rail photo taken April 2012
Footprints in the marsh
Crossing footprints left behind..