I got the blues...
I got the blues. We were hacked again! Don’t stay in Disney Hotels. The Editor recently stayed at one in the Orlando area for a school function and the next week I get a call (while I was in Idaho) asking if I had been shopping in Orlando that morning. Seems someone stole her credit card information (not the card) and we were now buying the groceries for someone in Orlando. She was at work in Jacksonville, I was out of state and someone was helping themselves to lots of groceries on us. So I got the blues in more ways than one..
I also got nothing but blues on the dock. There are three local species of blue herons, the Great Blue, the Little Blue and the Tri-colored Heron. Old Man River, the Great Blue Heron and Patriarch of the Broward, has resumed fishing from his favorite fall fishing hole just around the bend in the channel. As soon as he spots me he makes sure he moves just out of sight. Out of sight out of mind he figures. The Tricolored Heron is the most faithful of the blue herons and flies up to greet me nearly every morning. He is my ever-present companion and feathered friend. Recently the Little Blue Heron (I call it Little Boy Blue) is becoming a regular on the dock also. As the tide recedes I can see the muddy bottom in the remaining few inches of water. Staring up at me is a Blue Crab. So I got the “blues” everywhere now. As I walk back down the dock there to greet me is “you probably guessed it”, a couple of Bluebirds. Probably waiting to poop on my shoulder! Go ahead, everyone else is lately.
Have you got the blues lately too? It happens to all of us probably at one time. At times like this I just have to “Consider the birds” (especially the blue ones). They neither reap nor sow nor gather in to barns and yet our Heavenly Father feeds them. And he promises if He takes care of them, He will surely take care of me. And my "blues" will just disappear, but hopefully not my birds. And then soon I will mount up with wings and just fly like an Eagle. Be blessed. Harry