First Flight..
Orville and Wilber Wright made their first manned flight in the fall of 1900 in Kitty Hawk North Carolina and it lasted 12 seconds. Orville and Wilbur the Carolina Wrens first flight was even shorter but just as exciting to see. As I mentioned several weeks ago, a pair of Carolina Wrens took up residence in a flowerpot we had by the front door. Carolina Wrens are notorious for building nests in strange places like old shoes, door wreaths, and flowerpots. You name it. The original couple laid five eggs, but they were then left abandoned for over a week. This made me think something happened to one or both of the parents. Then I started seeing another pair (I think) inspect the nest again. Within days the female was incubating eggs (probably new ones). Each day since then I sat at my desk and watched the coming and goings through my window.
The eggs hatched last week sometime prior to last Monday. I could see four bald baby wrens with their eyes closed when I peeked in with the flashlight. Typically the young fledge (fly) in 12 to 16 days. That is some fast growing! However, I figured I had time to set up a remote camera on Monday while I worked on repainting my back porch steps this past weekend. I was wrong. On Sunday, Mothers Day, I yelled for the Editor to come quick. I saw one young wren hop out of the nest and take off. I grabbed the camera and tried to sneak around the house to capture the moment. Two fuzzy headed wrens (Orville and Wilbur) sat on the edge of the pot, wide eyed and watching as their sibling took flight. The parents began to call from the rooftop nearby and out they came. First a short flight hop to the ground, then zing, up to the screen on the window and finally they flew over the front porch wall into the nearby bushes. From there they were coaxed up onto a nearby fence and then up into the Crepe Myrtle tree to begin a new life beyond the nest. I counted three fledglings; perhaps there was a fourth I missed. The Carolina Wrens first flight was awesome to see but then again these wrens have had a lot more practice than the Wright Brothers. They have been doing this since creation.
The Editor and I wish all you Mom’s out there a Happy Mothers Day! And what can be more exciting to a Mom than to see her young ones grow up and leave the nest. I didn’t capture the quality of photos I had hoped for but did catch the moment. It happened so fast. Imagine a baby going from crawling to running in a matter of seconds. Yet to some of you parents it probably did seem like only a short time. One day they are in diapers, the next day they are gone. But I think that is a good thing. Don’t you? Can’t imagine all six of them wrens poopin in that little pot much longer. Until next time…Be Blessed.
On Saturday I peeked into the pot and just saw beaks and eyeballs.
With hungry mouths to feed this male Carolina Wren was busy all day Saturday bringing bugs to the nest.
The Female Carolina Wren checks me out before approaching the nest.
On Sunday, Mothers Day I saw the little wrens start to leave the nest. These two I call Orville and Wilber are the last to go.
Weill I made it down here, where did everyone go? Who are you and what are you doing with that camera says Orville Wren?
I hear ya Mom! Be there in a second..Hey Wilbur, come on, this is easy, try it!
Hard to spot little Orville the Carolina wren in the redtop hedge.
Dad was right, it is a jungle out here chirps Wilbur Wren!
The view is better up here on the fence says Orville..Hey Dad! Where ya at?..that guy is pointing the camera at me again. Where is Wilbur?
There ya are! Am I glad to see you..Let's fly some more, this is fun! Now where is Wilbur?
Hey! Wait for me says Wibur, gotta figure out how to get outta this man made tree thingy.