Bent out of shape...?
An eerie moon rises over the Broward. Tropical Storm Bill has just drenched the already wet state of Texas. Some folks however, are enjoying their new “waterfront property” while others are cleaning up the mess left behind. Every once in a while something comes along, a storm, an email, flashing ”blue lights”, or other circumstance that just gets us all bent out of shape.
It is the same on the Broward. It is getting hot. After sitting and sweating and seeing nary a bird all evening, disappointed, I began to retreat back down the dock when there it was. A young Tricolored Heron, standing in the shallow water as the tide flowed out, looking around and hunting for minnows. The sun was setting and the light was just right. I sat down and got as low as I comfortably could (and hoping I would be able to get back up). The heron began to look up, down, and all around trying to spot a minnow. Apparently, after some initial success, there were no more to be found. In what appeared to be frustration, it began to call out and complain. It took a few steps and then got all fluffed up and “bent out of shape”. I began to laugh. This really got it mad. It squawked its disgust and flew off.
This week of June is indeed the official beginning of the long hot summer on the Broward. On the Jewish calendar, this is Tammuz, hot, tense, and traditionally tragic. The fast of Tammuz (17th) commemorates the destruction of the Temple. If the current news headlines tell us anything, a long hot tragic summer has begun indeed. Don’t be like the heron though and get all “bent out of shape”. God is still in control. Be blessed. Harry
An eerie moon rises over the Broward as the long hot summer begins..
The young Tricolored Heron, the mighty minnow hunter begins his quest...
The prey is spotted, the neck is poised to low can you go?
The strike is swift..
The reward..a nice fat minnow..
I want more...where are the minnows?
Getting a bit "twerked" off now...
Don't get all "Bent out of shape" like this heron when things don't go as planned..
No need to "fly off the handle" either..
God is still in control..(Birds eye view of a sunset on the Broward from a Remote controlled vehicle w/camera, aerial photo by my friend Jim Messer with permission)