Just Chillin....
Did you hear it Thursday evening? It wasn't the wind. It was the howling of the wolves at the full moon known from Indian lore as the Wolf Moon. Still got your snow-blowers going? The recent cold outbreak over the Central and Eastern US brought freezing temperatures to the Broward but things are warming up a bit now. Dock time has been great the past week. Spent a few days "just chillin" with some feathered friends. Emphasis on chillin..
The Ibis I chronicled last week are still in the area. One recent morning they flew overhead, spotted me, and circled back to join me on the dock. When a bird flies in and sets itself down within a few feet of you, pulls up its leg and relaxes and gives you every photo op you can imagine, then it is a great day. My lens was literally too big and the birds almost too close to photograph. I spent a good hour “just chillin” with them (literally). Broward Bob, the Little Blue Heron acted like he was completely frozen when I saw him. He just sat there as if his feet were too frozen to the rocks to move. The Snowy Egret and Tricolored Heron were not inclined to move more than a few feet either. They were literally “chillin” too. A bit later the Snowy hopped up on the dock in front of me giving me some great photo opportunities. The morning sun lit up the underside of its wings almost like an X-ray. When I later reviewed the photos in my camera, the translucent glow of its wings brought angels to my mind. A cute Pied-billed Grebe (one of the Editor’s favorites) popped up in front of me, gave me a look and then acted like a submarine blowing ballast. It’s neck drooped down first, it then took a peek below the surface and submerged head first leaving only a tail feather sticking up for a just moment before it was gone chasing minnows and small bait fish in the muddy Broward.
If you get an opportunity this week spend some time with friends or family just chillin. Relax, laugh, love, and just enjoy some time together. You will never regret just chillin with your loved ones..even if they do have feathers..Blessings..Harry
Wolf Moon of 12 Jan 17 ...did you hear the howling..it wasn't the wind
The Juvenile White Ibis landed on the dock very near to me ...
The adult White Ibis landed on the copula roof just over my head and peered down at me..
I sat down and relaxed, the Juvenile Ibis pulled up a leg to relax too..
The adult Ibis did the same..and we sat there "just chillin"
Broward Bob, the Little Blue Heron seems a bit stiff..
The Snowy Egret seemed frozen as snow too..
A Pied-billed Grebe pops up to check the weather...
Too cold up here...time to submerge...
Dive Dive Dive...
The Grebe be gone..bye
The Snowy Egret flies up to the floating dock...its underwings lit up by the morning sun like an X-ray..
You lift me up on Angels Wings...
Take some time "just Chllin" with your friends this week! Even if they have feathers..