Anyone for a succulent dish of French provincial vegetables? Pixar’s animated movie of the same name, gave Remy the Rat a lot of notoriety. Unfortunately, the Editor felt no heartwarming joy when we got an unwanted visitor in the house around Thanksgiving of the rodent variety. Yes, the Editor is a deplorable Rataphobic!!!
Our visitor might have come in with the Christmas Tree or perhaps the back door which is often open to allow the dogs access to the back yard to “take care of business”. When I got a glimpse of how huge it was I decided to call in the professionals. They assured me that one or two visits with their traps would be all that is needed. After a month of no success I tried the electric traps to no avail. In the meantime, “Ratatouille” destroyed our Bose Speakers, a wall unit lighting cord and made a stinking mess in the living room wall unit. It gorged on dog food, pilling huge stashes under cabinets. As I would clean up one lair, it would seem to disappear for a few days only to establish another and then another. I began to get strange odors in my office. That was it for me.
After two months of this I declared war, said some prayers and armed myself with the armor of God (and a semi-automatic BB pistol). I locked myself in my office and vowed only one of us would make it out alive. After moving every piece of heavy furniture a few times it sprang out and the battle was on. When the dust cleared it was Mr Doohickey -1, Ratatouille- Zero!.
Now when my brother visits this week from Ohio we won’t have to worry about it. Not much activity on the Broward save a few Hooded Mergansers. I want to go to the Viera wetlands to see the nesting Great Blue Herons soon. Most should be feeding a new generation. Wonder if they want some Rat stew?
Hope to visit the Great Blue Herons soon. I don't think they want Ratatouille though..
Hey Mr Doohickey, want a snake to go with your Ratatouille?
Love the background colors exposed in this one by adjusting the shadow exposure..
At first I thought this was a female Hooded Merganser..
Turns out they are juvenile males, note the yellow eyes, female have dark red eyes..
Who you calling a girl?
Like water over a ducks back...Pied-billed Grebe in early morning light..
Ratatouille anyone?