Joy comes in the Morning..
It is another steamy August day on the Broward. This is the hottest month of the year so far but pretty normal in the overall perspective for Florida. My coffee and camera are at the ready as I sit down and watch the marsh come to life. The sun is clearly beginning its southward march as the sunsets are starting to come into view over the river again.
Earlier I introduced you to the Green Herons I see fly overhead in the morning and evening. One evening lately I was trying to photograph a Red Wing Blackbird on the copula wind vane when one of the Green Herons lands on the roof in front me. I try to catch a quick shot but it zips off too fast. The next morning two of them fly overhead, zig by me and then circle around. They land in the marsh channel right in front of me. This time I had my finger on the doohickey and caught a few frames. They sure are comical looking as they flare to land. That green crown of feathers on top of the head sticks up like a Mohawk style haircut as they come in to hunt. I show the photos to the Editor and she proclaims, “That is Timucuan!” First she gets on me for naming the birds and now she is doing it. Well Timucuan it is then. Named after the tall tribe of local Native Americans found in this territory in our early history.
I don’t know how long they will remain in the area but I make it a daily effort now to try and capture a photo of them when possible. Would love to trail after them in a boat someday to see where they hang out. Speaking of boats, I did a test drive in a Wavewalk “W”Kayak recently. It is not your normal sit down style of Kayak, this one has a pair of pontoons and a straddle seat in the middle that you can sit up in or stand. For those of us with back issues it is a great alternative. Guess I will have to send a request to my Editor for an added expense account. I also capture a good shot of an Osprey and catch of the day coming up the river that I shared with you earlier. The light is poor due to clouds but it came close enough to see the scales on the fish. That poor fellow didn’t look too enthused about the ride though.
That is how life goes sometimes. You are swimming fine, enjoying life in the big water and then something or someone comes along and everything changes, and not for the good. It’s tough to cope with. It seems we all have or know someone with the sudden loss of a loved one, an unexpected illness, a financial crisis, or relationships that are going nowhere fast. I just want to let you know there is indeed Hope, and someone we can count on. And you have me to cheer you up today too. Remember Joy comes in the morning! Be Blessed. Harry
Hot summer day on the Broward!
Green Herons wing overhead each day.
Today they circle around and come in for a landing!
The wings begin to flare for landing!
What is that coming out of the top of the head?
Check out the Mohawk hairdoo! Meet Timucuan, the Green Heron!
The Green Heron is hard to distinguish from the marsh grass.
The Green Herons are making this a regular stop now.
If I just had a boat I could follow it to its roost!
Far up the Browad I see an Osprey with a huge fish under wing!
Now that is the Catch of the Day!