Stubborn ole man...the sequel
Refreshing autumn breezes are blowing over the Broward. Relief at last. Hope you don’t eat too much candy this week and remember the Reeces cups are mine! Last year at this time I shared with you my never-ending saga of attempts to capture photos of Old Man River, the Patriarch of the Broward. This venerable Great Blue Heron recently showed up on the same old favorite perches as last October’s Stubborn ole man blog article articulated (Jon boat and old pier). History does repeat itself on the Broward it seems.
Omar, (short for Old Man River) sits on the old dock while scratching his head and keeping a wary eye on me. With the recent daily flooding on the Broward I can only sit on my dock and use my longest lens to capture a photo. This old bird will not let me come close and so the contest continues. Overhead a juvenile Great Bald Eagle circles. The partially white head and yellowing beak give clue to its age as most likely a third-year eagle. By four years their head and tail are all white. A gulp flight of cormorants in a V-shaped wedge pass over the Broward. A pair of Red-shouldered Hawks and a few Coopers Hawks are becoming a frequent sight also. Wood Storks will be starting their winter nesting at the local zoo. I see them daily now flying over the river. Some photo friends are also seeing nest building activity with the Great Blue Herons. Might be time for some road trips.
I am glad for the change of weather and to see more activity on the Broward. Hopefully we will see a little less activity in the rest of the world now. Blessings. Harry
Old Man River (Omar), the Great Blue Heron and Patriarch of the Broward touches down on one of his favorite haunts, the old pier.
OMAR scratches his head and ponders how he can avoid me getting better photos..
I have captured this stubborn ole man in this pose for five years now...
Juvenile Great Bald Eagle, probably three years old circles the Broward ..
"We who live this plodding life here below never know how many eagles fly over us"...Henry David Thoreau
A Coopers Hawk wings overhead
Saw three V shaped wedges of Cormorants, such a flight is called a "Gulp, flight".