One of those days...
Ever had one of those days? You know, the kind you can’t forget or was it the kind you want to forget? I had one of the former thankfully. Unfortunately for one of my feathered subjects it was more of the kind you want to forget.
Not a bird was seen in the lagoon as I walked down the dock, coffee in hand. The air was cool and refreshing and the sun was still below the horizon. The Master painted the predawn sky. My quiet time was reassuring as I prayed for some birds to capture. Suddenly things began to happen. Two Great Egrets circled the island and turned towards me with my back to the sun. I focused on the lead egret as it came up the channel. Upon seeing me it swerved to my left and circled the dock giving me lots of flight capture opportunities. As I looked up the channel an Osprey flew by and went into a dive. It was successful in capturing a huge fish and began to fly with its prize in my direction but heading for the opposite bank. The Great Egret was flying nearby too. Suddenly a dark winged shape swooped in towards the Osprey. It was a juvenile Bald Eagle, about three years old. The head was beginning to turn white, but it still had a brown stripe around the eyes. As I watched the Osprey react, I saw the huge fish come loose from its talons. The Osprey and the Eagle both were going after the falling fish. None too pleased at losing its prize catch, the Osprey flashed it talons at the young Eagle. Undeterred, the eagle rolled on its back in the air with talons flaring in response.
In the meantime, the fish got away! Both raptors then flew up the river. A familiar sound to my right told me the Tricolored Heron was coming in for a landing on the dock. Unfazed by my presence, it gave me a glance and then headed down the dock towards the bank to begin feeding. It was soon joined by Broward Bob, the Little Blue Heron, Bob was late due to the recent Daylight “Savings” time change. Both Herons began to catch small fiddler crabs.
Who can forget a morning like this? Egrets, Osprey, an Eagle, and some Herons. And a fish that got away! Can you imagine the tale it had to tell the other fish? Blessings.
The Master painted the pre-dawn sky
A Great Egret flies by in perfect morning light
Good morning Mr Doohicky, it is a great day on the Broward
Osprey spots a fish and prepares to go into a dive..
Catch of the day..what a whooper!
A dark shape swoops in towards the Osprey
It is a juvenile Bald Eagle about three years old noted by the dark eye band..
The fish comes loose from the Ospreys grip..not a good day for the Osprey
Talons and tempers flare over the Broward, the Osprey goes after the Eagle
The Eagle rolls over and shows its much larger talons, the conflict is soon over
The Tricolored and Little Blue Herons land beside me on the dock. Did you see that Eagle Mr Doohicky?
I hate this Daylight Savings Time change said Broward Bob, it really ruffles my feathers!
Tricolored Heron reflects on the day…one I won’t soon forget