Fix It Upper..Part 1
The morning sun is rising over the Broward. As I sit on the dock the shadows of night slowly roll back revealing the morning marsh bathed in golden light, I hear a loud familiar call. It is our local Pileated Woodpecker. I say a silent prayer wishing to see a nesting pair nearby. The last time I photographed such a sight had been several years and a hundred miles to the south.
Across the street from my house was a half dead Sycamore tree with some old woodpecker nest holes. I went over there to speak to my neighbor that lives there as he was doing some repair work for me. I noticed a male Pileated Woodpecker above us in that tree reworking the opening of that old abandoned nest. This was a perfectly round opening hole so it was not done originally by a Pileated Woodpecker, they leave oblong shaped openings. This bird was doing a remodeling job, a” Fix it Upper” similar to the “Fixer Upper” HGTV show about Chip and Joanna Gains fixing up old houses in Texas. I kept an eye on the site and discovered the male furiously chipping away, renovating the hole and later saw the female come inspect the job. I named them Chipper P Pecker and mate JoJo. It wasn’t long before they moved in and started a family.
There were days I wondered if they were still there. Sometimes Pileated Woodpeckers will choose several nest sites before settling in on the one they want. My apprehension was short lived as I began to see daily activity and began to document it on my Facebook page. They incubate the eggs about 15-18 days so I expected an early to mid- May delivery date. I watched and waited as they relieved each other every few hours to sit on the eggs. On 11 May I noticed JoJo taking out some doo-doo. The eggs had hatched. What a wonderful Mothers Day surprise!
My prayers were answered indeed. Wonder if I will get a TV contract now..Hope all you Mom's enjoy this beautiful family, more to follow. Blessings
Male Pileated Woodpecker (note red mustache feathers) working on an old woodpecker site
A real fix it upper project begins in earnest..chips were flying so I named him "Chipper"
The female I named JoJo...similar to the male but no red mustache..
Chipper picks up the pace of the renovation..
JoJo inspects the nest site and gives her approval
Not long afterwards JoJo is sitting on eggs..
Chipper (left) and JoJo (right) both sit on the is a routine incubation watch relief..
Outta here , you got it,,,those eggs are killing my butt
Time for a break...
Pileated Woodpecker hatchling (a female I think)
Feed me Daddy! (there are two babies in the nest for sure).