"Daddy don't you walk so fast.."
Do you remember walking in your Dad or Mom’s footsteps when you were little? You little legs just didn’t reach that far at first and you had to “Scoot your boot” to keep up. At other times, they would probably take your hand and walk slowly with you. Made you feel safe, right?
While on a recent workshop I got to observe some recently hatched Sandhill Crane colts (baby Sandhill Cranes are called “Colts”). We were walking along a narrow path between one canal and a swamp when we encountered two Adult Sandhill Cranes with two Colts walking along with us. Lots of other park visitors had already passed them and the parents had stopped and lifted their heads and whatever bird sound they made, it was clear they were scolding the humans for coming too close to their young ones. The cranes have long legs and big feet. The colts were not even as big as one of their parent’s feet and were scurrying to keep up as fast as they could. The parents then slowed down and hunted for insects to feed the colts. The colts were happy to taste the tidbits offered. The colts would look up at us humans occasionally and then run and catch up with their parents. My last look at them was walking down that path with the sun shining through the trees. Sadly, I heard that one of the colts was taken by a bobcat the next day. The parents I am sure are wishing they still had their little colt and would love to hear it say, Daddy don’t you walk so fast.
Sorry if I made you cry. Losing loved ones is inevitable for all of us. I am so glad I know we will meet again someday. Aren’t you?
We encounter a Sandhill Crane pair with colts along our path
Baby Sandhill Cranes are called "Colts"
I'm hungry Mom..
The Sandhill family encounter some tourist and photographers blocking the path
Get away from my Colts!
Sandhill Crane Adult profile
I am a cute Colt huh?
We also encountered the handsome Great Blue Heron on the walk
Where did my brother go Mommy?
"Daddy don't you walk so fast"..(song by Wayne Newton)