Dune Life
The summer solstice has passed. Hope you had a great 4th of July too. Heat and humidity are rising each day. I think weather guessers in Florida have it easy in the summer with their forecasts. The local forecast is nearly always calling for afternoon thunderstorms. They have been correct most of the time. The grass is enjoying the rain but not those of us trying to drive in it. Yet we are thankful for gift of the water which replenishes our aquifer.
So far the bird stewarding duties have been a delight. I got to see some old photographer friends and made some new ones. Life in the dunes is flourishing yet very precarious too. All three of the recent Oystercatcher hatchlings were soon victims of predation. The Laughing gull chicks will soon fledge (those that survive) and the Royal Tern chicks are just beginning to venture out of the dunes and onto the beach. As they do, the adults gather round them for protection, unlike the gulls which are left to tend for themselves much of the time. The adult Royal Terns are busy flying food back and forth to the hungry chicks. They must pass the food off in a split second to avoid the Laughing Gulls stealing the food. Often the adult is pummeled by three or four gulls who steal the fish before it can make it to the hungry chicks. The anxious Royal Tern chicks often search the sky for their parent and constantly cry for more food. And life in the dunes goes on.
Dune life is not as easy at the photos appear. Life is precariously on the edge but somehow each year most seem to survive and flourish. It does seem safer than Chicago though. Hope you have a safe and wonderful summer. Blessings.