Seeing double?
January has been one of the coldest on recent record so far for North Florida. It won’t be long before we are talking Groundhog Day. Wonder if ole Punxsutawney Phil will be seeing double when if he sees his shadow? Hope he doesn’t see it at all and we have an early spring, sure could use one.
Been seeing double myself lately. Every time I look at a bird lately I see two of them. The Tricolored Heron was the spitting image of himself as was the Little Blue Heron, the Canada Geese, and the Hooded Mergansers. On top of seeing double, my distant vision seems to be going haywire. Might have to start wearing glasses now after 64 years without them. Having enough trouble trying to remember where the phone is, now I have to find my glasses. How come they call it a smart phone if it keeps getting lost?
Hope you get twice as much enjoyment from these photos. Two is better than one they say. That is why the Good Lord made us guys a helper. Maybe the Editor can help find my phone and my glasses now. Blessings. Harry
Cold and Gold..Great Egret in the cold golden light of a chilly January morning
Are there two Tricolored Herons or one?
This double take filled the frame..
Another pair of Canada Geese..
Female Hooded Mergansers
Sometimes ya feel like a nut...Merganser munching on acorns
Pair of male Hooded Mergansers?
Time to sit up and take notice
Is that a ghost I see? Or a pair of Little Blues?
Blue and Gold...Little Blue in the Golden light..brrrr...
Time to go..wave goodbye!
Sleepy time for both of us..