December morning..
The twelfth month has arrived on the Broward. Winter is just around the corner. For us Floridians, it just means get the fireplace ready. For you folks up north, break out the snow shoes and shovels. Contrails of hope stretch across the predawn sky. Dawn breaks on the river chasing the darkness away. An Eagle flies overhead. A sign of good things to come.
A Florida “snowfall” begins to float slowly down as the Snowy Egret stretches its wings in for a graceful dock landing. It peers into the rising waters in search of food. The Tricolored Heron races down the dock to look for minnows and takes a peek too, its reflection showing surprise at the bounty below. Time for a little Snowy on the rocks. A Little Green Heron circles above and lands on the dock. It looks skyward as the sound of a Pileated Woodpecker fills the air. Something obviously perturbs the bird. It does its best impression of “Angry bird” before flying up into “The General”. The leaves on this Bald Cypress have turned hues of gold and red and will soon fall leaving the tree branches bare and stark with the coming winter winds. Hooded Merganser ducks have arrived in the area as have the Editor’s favorite Pied-billed Grebes. I hope to capture some photos of them soon.
The Editor and I are now landowners of a ridgetop lot in North Carolina near the foothills of the Blue Ridge mountains. We have started packing and cleaning in preparation for a new adventure soon to come. In the meantime we wish you health and happiness in the coming winter season. Let it snowy!...Blessings
Contrails of hope stretch across the predawn sky…
Dawn breaks chasing the darkness away on this early December morning. Beats shoveling snow ehh?
Florida “Snowfall”. A Snowy Egret floats down to the dock…
Snowy reflections…
Tricolored Heron wings by heading for the dock
Tricolored Heron racing down the dock to get morning minnows…
Wow! Look at all those minnows…!
A Little Green Heron lands on the dock and is perturbed by the noise of the woodpecker
Oh that makes me mad….
I am gonna whoop some tail feathers !
I know you are in here Mr Woodpecker….oh when I catch you…!
The General, a Bald Cypress in fall foilage..It was a 3 ft sapling when we planted it, now over 30 feet tall
Snowy on the rocks…ya’ll keep warm now!