He ain't heavy..
They say clothes make a man. Not true in my opinion. But better cameras and longer lenses are always on a bird photographer's mind. A very well-known and accomplished professional bird photographer decided to sell all his Canon gear after 40+ years and switch to another brand. I got an excellent deal on a hardly - used top of the line Canon full frame 1DX Mk II camera. This is Canon’s flagship camera. Although the software setup is similar, it weighs a pound and a half more than my "old doohickey". I do a lot of hand - held shots so this extra weight makes a huge difference in my ability to keep in - focus and track fast-moving birds.
I decided to give it a workout at the local rookery using a tripod to support the added weight. The Great Egrets were mating and the males do a spectacular mating display. They have breeding plumes that they flare out similar to a peacock. A male started its display with his heads lowered and raised it with an arched neck in a continuous motion. It ended with the neck arched way back over its body with all the neck feathers sticking out. Apparently, it does the trick as the females continue to swoon over it. My prior rookery blog was a morning shoot, this was an afternoon one. The sun was low and setting and made for some spectacular light and photo opportunities.
The new doohickey did wonderfully. This tune comes to mind from a famous hit by the Hollies (sorta)
The road is long
With many a winding turn
That leads us to who knows where
Who knows where
But I'm strong
Strong enough to carry him
He ain't heavy, he's my "Dooohickey"
Great Egret Display, the head is usually lowered at the start..
The neck is arched back
The bird begins to shiver and fluff the neck feathers out
The neck is arched back and then goes straight up in the air with feathers fluffed
This is the apex of the display
How was that one? Can I get an AMEN!
Apparently the display works...see the results !
I'm hungry Momma!
Tricolored Heron in breeding plumage
The Snowy Egrets were in full display mode also showing breeding plumes and red eye coloration
Those Great Egrets got nothing on me says the Snowy!