Swan Lake
I know I said only three times a week but had to share this with you. Editor in chief said not to but don't worry, she won't know (Actually I put "duck" tape on her computer keyboard so she couldn't edit this) So we are going to do a show for you! We are going to see a performance of Swan Lake now. Grab a cup of coffee.
Today's performance of Swan Lake (performed on Goose Pond) is sponsored by Grey Goose!
Today's performance of SWAN LAKE on Goose Pond is brought to you by me, Gray Goose!.
Our Prima Ballerina, the Canada Goose.
She bows to the crowd.
Duet Performance
Look Ma! I'm a Swan...
No you are a silly Goose who thinks she is a Swan!
The duet bows.
Hey, can I be a swan too?
See, I can do those fancy ballet moves too!
The prima Ballerina prepares for her Swan song,
The end!
Bravo! Bravo!
Oh we do hope you enjoyed our performance! It brought tears to my eyes!. We also hope you will return with us to Goose Pond in the future. Good night. Have a wonderful Weekend. PS No birds were harmed during this performance. Just a few ruffled feathers.