Road Trip...Beyond the Broward Part 1 of 2
December is finally here. Got your Christmas shopping done yet? Me neither, besides, I have plenty of time. Got the tree up finally (It only fell over two times so far). The holidays and recent "Election stress" was getting to me so the Editor decided I needed a road trip. I didn’t argue and packed my bags and headed to the Viera Wetlands for an overnight trip. The Great Blue Herons are beginning their nesting behavior and I wanted to see if I could capture some of the courting behavior.
When I arrived before sunrise I found that half the ponds were closed to the public. So much for those plans. I toured the remaining cells and watched the sunrise. Indeed a few pair of Great Blue Herons were starting their nesting behavior. Gus and Greta were there (see last February’s story). More on the Great Blues Herons to follow next week. I heard the Sandhill Cranes in the distance. Due to the click ponds being closed I missed their morning dance but did catch a pair later on near the parking lot that let me walk up right to them. Anhinga were in abundance as well as double crested Cormorants, a few Little Green Herons, an American Bittern, Snowy and Great Egrets, Tricolored Herons and a few Black-bellied Whistling ducks. A Bald Eagle and a Northern Harrier made a pass through the area also looking for prey. By the time I got out of the car with my Doohickey they were almost out of sight. After taking nearly 2000 photos I decided I better head back to the Broward and start editing.
I needed that. I love the backyard Broward birds but it is nice to hit the road for a change of scenery and some other photo opportunities. Hopefully in the coming new year I can do some more Beyond the Broward road trips. I think the Editor was glad to have me back though after this short trip. I know the pups sure missed me. Blessings, Harry
Sandhill Crane fly by to start the day
I thought this Sandhill Crane was coming through the truck window..Got any food Mr Doohickey?
Look at the size of those drumsticks,,good thing Thanksgiving is over
Dressed to kill,,,female Anhinga shows off her wing colors..a feme fatale
Female Anhinga with fresh catch of the day who does not look too happy
An Eastern Phoebe lights up the day
Shy Pied-billed Grebe
White Ibis take off..
Osprey Vigil..looking for breakfast..
Palm Warbler also known as "Butter Butt"
I will see you next week with part 2. So don't be blue